Sugar Mountain Commission
I recently installed a commission painting for Kristine Bates Interiors in Nichols Hills, Oklahoma. This work is from my “Sugar Mountain” series. The original “Sugar Mountain” painting sold at Wings of Art, an art auction that I co-founded and facilitated, but the concept for this piece was born out of a need to de-stress. My brother was having a serious surgery. I was so worried and nervous. I needed to focus quietly on something. I love the frosting like texture of modeling paste. It is soothing and when mixing colors it reminds me of frosting. I started planting these delicious dobs of paint on a panel and couldn’t stop. It was theraputic. My brother made it through the surgery, my painting was done for the auction and I discovered a new way to use a medium. The name came from a Niel Young song (huge fan!) but I am also a sugar addict. People say it looks “yummy!” I have to agree.